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Walter L. Fields, Jr.

"I have a Charge to Keep,

and a God to Glorify"

It is good for me

that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

PSALM 119:71


Pastor Walter L. Fields’ calling is divinely inspired and uniquely purposed. This divine assigning demanded events that pushed him to evolve like a phoenix from fire. As a testimony to his faith and solid upbringing, growing up he eagerly embraced biblical tenets and developed a strong Christian foundation. His formative years at both The Cornerstone Church Of God In Christ and Vessels of Honour Church afforded him the opportunity to cultivate not only his musical talents, but also embrace a deeply spiritual awareness. Inevitably, Pastor Fields yielded to an unconditional acceptance of God’s call on his life to ministry. Walter’s parents, Pastor Walter L. Fields, Sr. and Missionary Mozell Fields, planted in him seeds to become a compassionate visionary, who would overcome epic challenges emerging as a resilient trophy of grace and an insightful spiritual leader.


Walter’s heartfelt covenant and devout stewardship forged his commitment to accept a Divine assignment to ministry. His greatest passion is to address contemporary issues that impact his community. His educational preparation includes a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications & Business and a Master’s in Corporate Communications from Concordia University. Walter’s desire to meet the people “where they are” combined with traditional values and contemporary tools to meet the needs of his community - is purpose driven. His ministries include but are not limited to working with ex-offenders to transition them back into our community with life sustaining jobs and lifestyles, educational tutoring for youth and instructing youth on the importance of a healthy mind, body and spirit. He founded and operates a social service agency, Project Restoration, since June of 2008. The mission of the agency is to provide former offenders and residents of Milwaukee, with the tools to restore their lives and equip them with the resources necessary to obtain gainful employment. This is a ministry that he is very involved in and committed to.


Pastor Fields founded the Enduring Truth Fellowship Church of God In Christ in Milwaukee, WI in March of 2008. He served this congregation with humility and precise direction from God. Having exemplified outstanding leadership and the ability to strategize and implement vision, Pastor Fields was elevated in January 2012. Appointed by Wisconsin First Jurisdictional Prelate and General Board Member Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, to the Saint Paul Church of God in Christ; One of the pre-eminent and most historic churches of God in Christ in the Milwaukee area where he currently serves as Shepherd.


He is a father of two sons, Jason and Javone and one daughter Bria.

©2021 by the Saint Paul Church MKE Media

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